"No thief is a thief unless caught"
"Time & Tide considers none"
"If something has to be TESTED, let it be your GUT feel and not someone else's"
"Seldom do we think that others make sense unless they agree with us"
"To be successful in life it's not only important to know what works, it's equally important to know what does not work"
"I never think I have any limitations, in this way I try each and everything that makes sense to me and most of the times I surprise myself by doing it, which otherwise I wouldn't have tried"
"Do what u ought to do and not what u want to do"
"Most of the times we copy things that successful people do rather than copying what made them successful in the first place"
"There's no learning curve, everything in life boils down to commonsense"
"You never know where you can be if u stay where u are"
"How many times have u barked at the dog that barked at u for no damn reasons?"
"How many times do u need to put ur finger across the flame to know that it hurts, do you need experience"
"If you don't take care of your customer, competition will"
"One who prays for his fellowmen when he himself has the same need is answered first"
"Groups can only discuss, decisions are taken by individuals"
"The more you talk, the less serious you are taken"
"If you buy things that you don't need, someday you will be selling things that you need"